You’ve Been Schooled…For Free Online!

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”
– William Butler Yeats

There’s nothing I love better than mastering a skill or gaining a new piece of knowledge. I find learning to be one of the few vices in life that are both addictive and good for me. Considering I often indulge in those other vices that aren’t really in my best interest, I try to get a big dose of education as often as I can.

But here’s the catch: school can be really expensive.

Most courses will set you back a few hundred dollars even if they only take a few hours to complete, and that’s only to pay for the privilege of sitting in the classroom. The cost can double (or worse) once you factor in miscellaneous expenses such as gas, parking, and textbooks.

As much as I may love education, I’d much rather learn something new without having to break the bank to pay for it.

If you feel the same way, here are a few tips that can help get you schooled for free online… Continue reading