The Art of Bermuda Shorts Day

Most universities have a few long-standing traditions that recur on an annual basis. These events help foster a sense of community among the student body, provide a means to engage the campus in a common celebration, mark the passage of time, and create a sense of continuity between current students and all of the alumni who have come before them.  Sociologically speaking, these events also serve to demarcate members of a given social group -if you’re one of us, you can participate (or have in the past); if you’re not, you can’t. Continue reading

What You Won’t Hear at U of C

Everyone loves a good Internet meme…until it’s been done to death, that is. But really, that’s kind of the point.

If you’ve logged on to any of your favourite social media sites lately, you’ve likely seen a number of posts related to the “Sh*t White/Asian/Black/Single/Drunk/Etc. Girls/Guys Say” meme. While those topics are all rather amusing, I’m partial to the “Sh*t [Insert Overarching Group] Don’t Say” take on the theme. A quick search on YouTube turns up tons of hits related to all the topics (and millions more) mentioned above, but the video that I’ve gotten the biggest kick out of relates to my alma mater.

A word of warning: a lot of the content won’t make much sense to you unless you’ve attended the University of Calgary. But if you have, you’ll likely agree with everything these guys don’t have to say.

Enjoy! Continue reading